
Jitel 2015

Title: Multi constraint network virtualization strategy based on Paths Algebra for non-linear parameters Authors: Xavier Hesselbach, José-Roberto Amazonas, Alejandro Gutiérrez-Anato Abstract- One of the main challenges in network virtualization is the virtual network embedding problem (VNE). The objective of the VNE is to map a set of Virtual Network Requests (VNR) to physical nodes and links. VNR is composed by a set of virtual nodes and links with several demands (traditionally CPU and bandwidth) to be assigned into a set of paths in the substrate network with sufficient resources. Embedding can be optimized with regard to specific metrics. To help solving the VNE problem a mathematical tool has been proposed, called Paths Algebra, to deal with the VNE multi-constraint problem using linear metrics. Most of the existing VNE proposals treat the single-path virtual link-mapping problem as a mono-constraint. This paper studies, analyses and validates the mathematical framework of Path Algebra under selected linear (CPU, bandwidth and energy consumption) and non-linear metrics (availability and packet loss ratio), providing promising performance results.

Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática 2015.

Palma de Mallorca, España.

Organizado por UIB.